Adam Yakabuskie has been hybridizing martagon lilies in Alberta, Canada since 2006. His collection is always growing: with over 60 named martagon varieties from hybridizers around the world, and over 5000 plus seedlings from his breeding program. This collection is worth the drive to Okotoks, Alberta to see for yourself. Open to the public once per year, during our “Open Garden” event early July.
Adam is excited to release a few of his outstanding new introduction to the gardening world. These introductions are novel, with distinct characteristics and trait. All great garden lilies, with some outstanding genetics for future breeding.
Adam was recently published in the NALS (North American Lily Society) Quarterly Bulletin in June 2022, for his breeding work with martagon lilies. “Advancements In Martagon Breeding”
Info: Martagons are slow on their first year of planting, but once established, they will last for many years, reaching heights of over 4ft, and many will have flower counts of up to 40 flowers. They come in a wide range of colors and flower forms. The overall plant structure is very striking, with whorled leaves and triangular flower composition, they are very showing in any garden setting.
Plant them in rich organic loam soil, with good drainage and proper sunlight. This lily also does well in a dappled shade environment, requiring at least 6 hours of sun per day. Martagons are a great way to add a splash of color in a shaded garden. They are extremely hardy, to about -40 C, and grow well in a zone 2 climate, they tolerate our chinook climate extremely well.
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